I love it here. Elk on the freeway... ROSES (or rather "rose" as in 1 single, solitary rose) in my backyard. I don't know anything about roses...
or these purple flowers. I have these in the backyard too. I don't even know what they are. Only that they are just a sampling of all the plants/flowers in the backyard that I am in a constant battle to keep alive. Unlike the ugly fern-like things. I'm not fighting that battle.
Do you know we have stuff like THIS to look at here? And I don't have to drive more than 8 minutes to see it! And there is this lovely little trail we discovered with Marley's Flat Stanley that leads through this fantastic little green forested area down to this niftly little park on the Tualatin River. Sweet! We have a river too??
I hear there is an ocean not too far from here either. Hopefully we'll get over there soon!
But until then, I have the Battles in My Backyard to keep me busy.
And my children. I have those too.
Ok that must be an Oregon thing with that Elk in the back of a truck.
I have the same purple flower plant, but mine are red. I don't know what they are called.
It's TOO green there! It's brown here. :(
Yeah... Rub it in why don't cha?
I am pretty sure the purple plant is called verbena. And roses are pretty easy - just done water the leaves, only at the base by the ground.
I miss my gardens. this fall we will start on the landscaping. :)
Where is that elk going? What the.....? That is definitely something you see everyday. NOT!
As for your flowers, they are breathtaking.
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